Art Illustration

During my free time, I devote myself to refining my drawing and painting skills. I draw inspiration from children’s illustrations, as well as the beauty of nature and animals, which greatly influence my artistic creation.

I find joy in exploring various tools and techniques to continually enhance my skills and apply them to my upcoming art projects. This allows me to bring forth a unique blend of imagination and craftsmanship in my work. These pieces illustrate my creative ability and I hope you can enjoy the process and final work shown.

Note: Many of my artworks are signed under a different name. I was using a pen name as I post my work on another platform. Please be considerate and do not use my work without my consent. Thank you.

The Process

It all begins with an idea.

“Mouse Bath”. 2021. Watercolor, Gouache, and colored pencil.

In my illustrations, I begin by creating a sketch as a foundation. To ensure accuracy and bring my vision to life, I conduct research and seek references that align with the specific drawing and concept I have in mind.

A significant part of my process involves gathering information and exploring various poses from different perspectives.


Consistent practice plays a crucial role in maintaining the sharpness of my skills and ensuring continuous progress. To hone my abilities, I often utilize photographs as references, drawing from them to practice. This approach enables me to deepen my understanding of subjects or objects, encompassing their size, shape, color, and perspective.

The stages of each piece are critical. From the sketch to the careful planning leads up to the final piece of the work.

In this showcase, I present the progression of my work, highlighting the steps I take, including color testing and the choices I made along the way. It offers insight into my artistic process and the development of my creations.


“Memento Mori: Death”. 2019. Colored pencil.

Progression of

Memento Mori: Time

Enjoy the rest

Although the collection is limited, I hope you can find enjoyment in the pieces I have created thus far.

“I dream my painting and I paint my dream.
— Vincent Willem van Gogh